Attention! Put on a disinfectant t-shirt
Our disinfecting T-shirts do not have any medical effect, they invite to unite in positive and good thoughts
An idea born in a place you would never want to be in, involving those we consider unfavorable. Why not engage in a desinfecting campaign and turn social distancing into solidarity?
We are confident that creativity and shared good thoughts will save and renew everything! In truth, those who have nothing give more than most.
Wear this shirt at home, work, alone or in company.
And once we get back from this solitude, we will great each other with the words of the Latvian poet Ziedonis: „Hey, you all, with pine sap in your beards, if we walk barefoot on the cones, we will be winners”
P. S. According to catholic tradition St. Corona is revered as a patron saint of pandemics and natural disasters.
We also invite Christians of other denominations, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists and as well as everyone else to express ideas for t-shirts, we will produce them! Let`s build unity!