
We are a work integration social enterprise (Decision of the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia No. LM-32-4-19/129 of 23 May 2018). Our target group to be served is ex-prisoners and their family members. Our mission is to discover the positive potential of our target group and its usefulness to society through the creative work where a person can express his/her individual abilities and talents. We do this by including the representatives of the target group in a team of professionals of a certain field, by promoting their socialization and development of personal qualities, in parallel, creating a competitive services or products of high quality.

Why do we do it?

  • Because, first of all, it is important to give a second chance to a person, to see how he/she opens and flourishes, how the environment around him arranges, how much creativity is in him/her and how it all can please and be useful to everyone! Of course, it is also fine to get in return his/her friendship and trust in you.
  • Secondly, a social problem is caused by the fact that among prisoners there are a lot of people who are creative and artistically talented, but who due to lack of education or lack of appropriate work skills are forced to do the work which does not match their abilities and talents and receive inadequate remuneration. In the long run, this results in frustration and decline of the personality, which often leads to crime and imprisonment.

one prisoner costs
36.00EUR/day = 13140.00EUR/year

3700 prisoners cost
48 million EUR a year

  • The public has to pay for it both with suffering and loss, including money resources. One prisoner costs 36.00 euros per day to Latvian taxpayers. Currently there are 3,700 prisoners in Latvia, and they cost 48 million euros per year 1 . At the same time, one person who from a tax consumer becomes a payer and initially receives a minimum wage (430.00 EUR/neto), by paying taxes, adds 3800.00 euros + 13140.00EUR (saved tax payers money) annually to the common good, and does not cause any harm, but improves the psychological and social environment around him.

On 21 December 2018, we got a grant from the European Social Fund project “Support for Social Entrepreneurship” (project No. administered by the development finance institution “ALTUM” (contract No. 233093 / SU0000062) for the expansion of the company activities.

(1) http://www.ievp.gov.lv/images/stories/parskats_gada/2018%2006%2015_Parvaldes_publiskais_parskats.pdf